Blue Fox Studio

Vendor Spotlight: Blue Fox Studio

Many of the items sold at McConkey’s Market are one of a kind. That includes the work of Sue Fox Mitrano, of Blue Fox Studio. 

“A friend introduced me to the art form of Shibori, an ancient Japanese hand-dyeing technique using indigo,” she says. “I was hooked after my first dye session.”

Sue creates hand-dyed Shibori accessories and home goods. The technique involves natural fiber fabric that is folded, bound, twisted, or stitched and then submerged in a dye vat multiple times. Variations are a natural result, making each piece distinctive. 

“I’m inspired by the unique combination of control and surprise in Shibori dyeing,” Sue says. “With careful practice, I can repeatedly create the same patterns in the cloth, but there are always little surprises – and sometimes big ones – and that is part of the appeal.”    

“It really is a magical process watching the color change,” she adds. “Unwrapping the fabric to see the resulting pattern never fails to delight me!”

Come see Blue Fox Studio on September 30 from 10AM – 4PM at McConkey’s Market in Washington Crossing Historic Park (PA).